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When a child is born out of wedlock, the father may be legally without the rights or responsibilities of a parent.  The father, mother, or a third party on behalf of the child, may seek a determination of the parentage of the child by filing a paternity action.   The process gives the father specific custodial rights while imposing upon him a legal obligation to provide financial support for the child.  We represent clients seeking to establish or challenge paternity, as well as clients seeking to modify paternity actions. 


At Lawrence J. Bernard, P.A., we have the experience to help you resolve all of your paternity law issues.  Whether you are interested in establishing paternity, or want to defend against it, we can help protect your rights.  Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss the specifics of your case. 



The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on an advertisement. Before you decide, ask us to send you free

written information about our qualifications and experience. The above is not legal advice. Legal advice can only come from a qualified attorney

who is familiar with all the relevant facts and circumstances of a particular case and the applicable law.      


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