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Marital Settlement Agreement


Separating from a spouse isn’t easy.  The emotional impact is hard enough as it is, and litigation can often add extra stress to the situation and be quite costly.  Fortunately, there is a solution for those looking to avoid the strain of litigation. A Marital Settlement Agreement can take care of all issues caused by a separation and help you pursue an uncontested divorce in the future.  A Marital Separation Agreement is a written contract dividing property, spelling out each party’s rights, and settling issues such as alimony and custody.  A marital separation agreement may be drawn before or after you have filed for divorce — even while you and your spouse are still living together.


At Lawrence J. Bernard, P.A., we have experience in all aspects of family law and are committed to helping you resolve your marital issues for a better future.  For legal assistance with Marital Settlement Agreements in Florida, contact our office today.



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written information about our qualifications and experience. The above is not legal advice. Legal advice can only come from a qualified attorney

who is familiar with all the relevant facts and circumstances of a particular case and the applicable law.      


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